

From a Good Company to a Great Company
A leading company of high accuracy precision sheet metal that delivers security and reliability with
original technology and ideas. This is Fujita Works.

The Nine “vows” in the corporate symbol

The reverse pyramid shown in the corporate symbol of Fujita Works represents the “FIRE culture” that we promise “Customer Priority-ism”, “Comrade Priority-ism” and “Action Priority-ism”. In addition, the nine lines that make up the symbol consist of four management policies: customer first, original ability, important members and harmony with the society. The other five lines represents five action policies: challenging, rapidity, trust, gratitude and heartfelt enjoyment. We pledge that we always share these policies implied in the symbol and continue to offer satisfaction and good impressions to our customers.

Management Philosophy

Great company, Great life “Impressions received from customers” are “impressions of Fujita Works”. “What Fujita Works are proud of” will “definitely be returned to you”.

Company Spirit

There is no road without a dream. We will challenge for the bright future and aim for DANTOTSU No.1 through the development of our business.

Company Motto

Feel the flow of time, Be ahead of the times Let’s obtain real happiness with our hands.

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